Promote involvement in the architecture profession and the community

A foundation for professional and educational development

Provide the resources and support for interns on the path to licensure

contact: aiasww.elg@gmail.com


April Lunch Meeting

Hi Everyone,

Don't forget our lunch meeting next Tues, April 15th noon at the Varsity Grill. Here's their website, http://www.varsitygrill.com/index.php, check out the menu beforehand. I know we didn't have time to eat really since there were so many people and we had a lot on the agenda.

Here's the agenda for the next meeting.

- Google Group Website
- Architectural Tours (Jon)
- Thea Foss Master Plan (Ben & JR)
- Unveiling of the group's logo
- Associates Happy Hour Event, April 30th
- Future events (habitat, high school mentorship, etc)

There's a lot of stuff going on for anyone who would like to participate/volunteer. See you all there. Bring a friend or two or three!!!

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