Promote involvement in the architecture profession and the community

A foundation for professional and educational development

Provide the resources and support for interns on the path to licensure

contact: aiasww.elg@gmail.com


Associates Social Event

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to remind everyone of the 1st annual Associates Social Event on Wednesday April 30th 5:30-8:30pm. If you haven't RSVP already, PLEASE do so to Cheryl at a...@aiasww.org. She needs to know by Monday April 28th so that we can plan and make sure there's enough food for everyone.

Also, I just got confirmation that Joe Vincent, the WA state licensing board director and Stan Bowman, the executive director for the WA council will be attending at this event. This is a perfect chance for you to meet with them and ask any questions. I hope to see you all there.

Ben, I don't have a lot of BLRB people on the email list. Could you forward this to everybody in your office?



Hi All,

I don't know if any of you remember an email I sent awhile back asking if anyone is still waiting on NCARB for testing. I had a handful in that situation which I had forward along to see if there's anything that can be done. I know for a fact there are a number of you still having problems with NCARB, especially the way they maintain your records. Well, it seems that NCARB will now finally listen to what we have to say, but we need to have concrete examples to make a case. The WA interns right now has the support of the AIA SWW Chapter and the AIA WA council to present this to NCARB. However, I need you all to contribute your voices to make this a strong case.

So I'm asking you to please let me know ANY problems that you have encountered with NCARB (my email's below). The problems can be IDP or ARE related or the quality of customer service or even the multiple fees we have to pay. You could even voice your concern about the new "six-month rule" that's about to be implemented. We can stop this rule from going into effect if there are enough oppositions.

Also, don't forget our 1st annual Associates Social Event on Wednesday April 30th, 5:30-8:30pm at Theatre on the Square. Bring a friend or two or three!


April Mtg Minutes

Hi all,

Apparently there are a few people who did not know about the Associates Social Event coming up. It was mentioned at last month's meeting but I want to further clarify this and make this the official announcement.

We have an Emerging Leaders Social Event scheduled for Wednesday, April 30th from 5:30-8:30pm. The location is at Theatre on the Square. A cover charge of $5/AIA member, $10/non-AIA member will be applied at the door. There will be a cash bar (you pay for your own drinks). the event will be catered by Dean Allen. We have some people who have volunteered their time to help plan this event. The group comprise of me, Dion Serra, Marianne Wombacher, Chauncey Drinon and Hope Gordon. Anybody who would be interested in helping out or simply want to come to one of our planning meeting, you are welcome to. We're meeting this Thursday at Abellas at noon. Also, we are still in need of volunteers for the day of the event so if anyone who would like to help.

The purpose of this event is to introduce all the interns within downtown Tacoma firms. It's also a chance to get more interns from other areas like Lakewood, Puyallup, Olympia, etc. involve. Our luncheons have been great but we have so many activities going on that we could involve interns from other areas as well. Another reason for this event is to introduce the interns to the Executive Board members of this chapter. I'm pretty sure a lot of you don't know who they are. This is a chance for you to meet with them and voice your opinions, concerns, suggestions, etc.

I hope this is clear for everyone. As I've mentioned before, the images for logo design is in the "files" link to the right of the page. The link to the Google Group Website is below.


April Mtg Today

Hi Everyone,

Don't forget our monthly lunch meeting is today!!! It's at the Varsity at noon. Here's the website, http://www.varsitygrill.com/index.php

Below is the agenda for the meeting

- Google Group Website
- Architectural Tours (Jon)
- Thea Foss Master Plan (Ben & JR)
- Unveiling of the group's logo
- Associates Happy Hour Event, April 30th
- Future events (habitat, high school mentorship, etc)

I've also uploaded a position paper from the AIA SWW chapter that was recently sent to the city of Tacoma on the development standards for mixed use centers. Have a look at it. All are welcome to post your comments or opinions on this website or you could forward them to the AIA chapter at a...@aiasww.org.


April Lunch Meeting

Hi Everyone,

Don't forget our lunch meeting next Tues, April 15th noon at the Varsity Grill. Here's their website, http://www.varsitygrill.com/index.php, check out the menu beforehand. I know we didn't have time to eat really since there were so many people and we had a lot on the agenda.

Here's the agenda for the next meeting.

- Google Group Website
- Architectural Tours (Jon)
- Thea Foss Master Plan (Ben & JR)
- Unveiling of the group's logo
- Associates Happy Hour Event, April 30th
- Future events (habitat, high school mentorship, etc)

There's a lot of stuff going on for anyone who would like to participate/volunteer. See you all there. Bring a friend or two or three!!!


Upcoming Love Tacoma event - pub crawl April 19th

April 19th at 4:00 PM
Begins at Alfred's Cafe (402 Puyallup Ave, Tacoma)

Your Love Tacoma grassroots committee dares you to save the date of April 19 for a pub crawl unlike any other that you've ever seen or been on.

We'll first convene at 4 p.m. at Alfred's Café and Bubble Room, 402 Puyallup Ave. After lively libations and conversations, our entire gang will hop on the LINK light rail for an urban pub crawl that will include a visit to watering holes at each stop along the LINK route.

This Love Tacoma event is likely to attract at least 60 individuals who will create commerce at some of downtown Tacoma's finest locally- owned establishments. All of you lovers will be greeted with open arms at the following restaurants that we'll visit in this order: The Harmon, The Pacific Grill, Paddy Coyne's and Meconi's.

Outside of this one-time Love Tacoma event, Link and Drink gatherings also occur at least three times a year in downtown Tacoma with 50-plus participants. The original Link and Drink began three years ago as a guerilla economic development movement coordinated by involved citizens and artists to bring life to the downtown core and promote the use of the LINK.

You'll get a sampling of how great the Link and Drink can be through Love Tacoma's April 19 event, and then connect with the on-going gatherings by visiting www.myspace.com/linkndrink.

Attendees are encouraged to appoint a designated driver or take a cab to and from this function. Drivers will find excellent parking accommodations within the Tacoma Dome Station parking garage. The last LINK run of the night will head back to the Tacoma Dome garage at 10:10 p.m.

Wear comfortable shoes, bring a stash of cash for some food and beverages, and show up on April 19 to have a blast amongst Tacoma's vibrant downtown, mass transit and friendly faces.

For more information, visit www.lovetacoma.com, be sure to add us as your friend on www.myspace.com/lovetacoma or contact Roxanne Murphy, a true Tacoma lover, at roxa...@creativetacoma.com.