Promote involvement in the architecture profession and the community

A foundation for professional and educational development

Provide the resources and support for interns on the path to licensure

contact: aiasww.elg@gmail.com


Associates Social Event

Hi everyone,

I don't know if you realize this but it's been 8 months since our first social event back in June. I think we're definitely due for another one. I'm aiming to set one up for the first or second week of April to kick off the spring season. I'm thinking of a big bash for the associates, non-associates, and any AIA members of this chapter who would like to come for a meet and greet.

There will be a lot of planning involve in this because I want this to be a BIG event that focus on the associates. So, if anyone who has event coordination skills and would like to help, let me know. We'll need to start as soon as possible for this event to work since we have to get the word out there. Also, if anybody has any ideas as to what they'd like to see for the theme or even where we should have this event, let me know.

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