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D-M Light Rail Construction Site - Temporary Art Installation

*Volunteers Needed!*

The "TRANS" art installation creates a temporary landscape that explores the sites TRANSitions to sustainability. The artwork includes a series of vegetated, pixelated roof forms that create a living, illuminate billboard, a smaller prairie grass green roof that evokes former habitat on the site, and a set of bold graphic banners that connects the installation to the street level.

We need your help! We have two installation days, and are looking for extra hands to help our artist team bring this work to life!

Sunday November 27
On Day 1, we'll be setting over 1,300 potted plants into our wire frames to create the green roof composition. We'll also be attaching the construction lights to the underside of the wire frames and planting the prairie grasses into the green roof modules. We could use 2-4 people to help with these tasks - many hands make light work! We'll plan for two shifts: 10-12:30 and 1:30-4:00. Join us for one or both.

Monday November 28th
On Day 2, we'll mainly be moving the 10' long, planted forms into place on the ground for the forklift to take over. We'll also be hanging two 36 foot long banners on the adjacent fences. We could use 1-2 people who are comfortable lifting up to 50 pounds. Time: 9am to noon.

If interested in helping create the TRANS installation for the Dome District in Tacoma, please contact Teresa at tburrelsman@gmail.com.

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