Promote involvement in the architecture profession and the community

A foundation for professional and educational development

Provide the resources and support for interns on the path to licensure

contact: aiasww.elg@gmail.com


So everyone is just thinking of stuff to write ? Right?

I gave everyone a chance, so here's my thoughts on the state issue. At Face value it seems that the state just wants to do the logical thing and eliminate the extra steps it takes in doing things like reporting test scores, so instead of getting a grade from NCARB and a grade from the state at the same time after taking the ARE, you just get one pass rate from NCARB, and NCARB would let the state know when you are done. Which is about as much as I understand at this moment. At face value this seems very resonable, and if all things are fair and equal I think this is a reasonable step.

But things are not fair and equal when it comes to NCARB reporting something, like test completions and such. A quick browse through the ARE forums (@ www.AREForum.org ) would give you a lot of instant examples of many people that are issued a lisence from their respective states after ARE completion before NCARB has even updated the "test complete" status. When it comes to NCARB and reporting things I feel that the state could stand to do a far better job at reporting test completion, and until NCARB proves that it could actually report accuratly within a reasonable (3 to 6 weeks maybe?) I think the state needs to keep on doing what its doing.

What does everyone else think? What about the bigger picture? What do we discuss about our ongoing NCARB frustrations? Does Joe and the Department of Licensing see the same stuff that we do? or does NCARB just have a particular bane against interns only?

1 comment:

Ha said...

Thanks for starting this discussion. I think there is a general consensus that NCARB has always fall short when it comes to adequate response to calls and questions or even record keepings. I am hoping that WA State Board, while putting this direct registration in effect, has good intentions for interns in mind. I wouldn't want to think that they simply would rather forsake the interns' concerns about NCARB just to make the job of their employees a little bit easier.
As far as I know, the State Board has only recently learned of all the problems that interns are having with NCARB, specifically customer service and efficient reporting process. However, I am very interested to find out how the trial period for the direct registration would turn out. One question then might be, how long would it take for us to see the results? If it's still not resolve, would we have wasted all these times waiting for an outcome that we already know the answer to? That NCARB is just simply incapable of running an efficient organization.