Promote involvement in the architecture profession and the community

A foundation for professional and educational development

Provide the resources and support for interns on the path to licensure

contact: aiasww.elg@gmail.com


Weyerhauser Tour

It seems that our group has been quiet the last couple months. We didn't have any intern related discussion or questions at the last lunch meeting. However, we did have a good discussion on the ongoing projects in Tacoma and the potential development paths this city is heading toward. We are going to try and start up the study session again possibly in Nov.

I have an update on the upcoming tour for the month of October. Please mark your calendar for Tues, October 9th. The tour will be from 6-8pm which include a tour of the facility and some products presentation. This event will be sponsored by the associates. If you're not familiar with the company, here's the website. http://www.weyerhaeuser.com/

With that said, I'd like to have a little friendly competition among us. We are in need of a graphic poster advertising the event. If anyone would like to showcase their graphic skills, here's your chance. 11x17 or 8.5x11 is fine. There's not much time left so let's make this due Mon, Oct 1st. That should give you plenty of time, with the weekend, to think on it. FYI, the judges will be the architects from AIA continuing education.


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