Promote involvement in the architecture profession and the community

A foundation for professional and educational development

Provide the resources and support for interns on the path to licensure

contact: aiasww.elg@gmail.com


Wii Tennis Tournament - Feb 2

ELG and the AIA of Southwest Washington are teaming up to present the 3rd annual Wii Tennis Tournament with additional support from Merit Construction Northwest www.meritnw.com providing food & beverages and SSA Acoustics www.ssaacoustics.com who will be matching funds raised by the event dollar for dollar.

This year proceeds from the tournament will support Elements of Education Partners (Ee) elementsofeducation.org and their arts & education fundraising event Artrageous artrageoustacoma.org whose theme this year is "Under Construction".

Elements of Education Partners funds programs for more than 1,500 students at The Tacoma School of the Arts (SOTA), The Science and Math Institute (SAMI) and Stewart Middle School. Funds raised by the Partners are used to hire professional artists from our community to work as adjunct instructors alongside classroom teachers. The mission of Ee is to connect students to the community by fostering partnerships with arts organizations, cultural institutions and environmental conservation efforts. To accomplish these goals, they create opportunities for students to overcome the achievement gap in public schools by providing high-quality experiences linking classroom learning to the world at large. They believe that innovation and creativity are as essential as literacy and learning must matter for every student.

Where: BLRB office, 1250 Pacific Ave, Suite 700, Tacoma, WA
When: Feb 2 - 5:30 registration, 6pm tournament
Entry: Players $20, Spectators $10 - both includes food & drink
RSVP: aiasww.elg@gmail.com

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