Promote involvement in the architecture profession and the community

A foundation for professional and educational development

Provide the resources and support for interns on the path to licensure

contact: aiasww.elg@gmail.com


Uncovering Tacoma's Authenticity, What's the draw?

Conversations RE:Tacoma

Uncovering Tacoma’s Authenticity:
What’s the draw?

November 17, 2011 6:30-8pm
Museum of Glass, 1801 Dock St.
Hear the viewpoint of enlightened developers & engaged citizens discuss how we can create a vision for Tacoma’s future, and sustain it. Learn what developers look for in a community and in individual properties; how good urban design helps create community (e.g. scale, massing, streetscape); and outcomes they seek. Where and what is the potential in Tacoma; what are our unique characteristics; and how can we differentiate ourselves in the marketplace? The moderator and speakers explore existing and needed mechanisms for public engagement and action.
Jeff Lyon, President & CEO, Kidder Mathews commercial real estate
Kevin Cavenaugh, Portland architect/developer
Trevor Boddy, Architecture critic, Arcade Magazine
Moderator: David Boe, architect; member, Tacoma City Council

click for lecture #3 tickets $7.50

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