Promote involvement in the architecture profession and the community

A foundation for professional and educational development

Provide the resources and support for interns on the path to licensure

contact: aiasww.elg@gmail.com


May Lunch Meeting

Hi everybody,

I want to remind you all of our May lunch meeting coming up on Tuesday, May 20th at noon. We'll be meeting at the Swiss this time. Here's the link, http://www.theswisspub.com/ Here are a few things we'll be going to go over. This is a long email so bear with me.

- Update on Thea Foss masterplan (Ben/JR)
- Logo for the group (If you haven't had a chance to look at them, the logos are in the files. We'll be narrowing down a few choices and make a decision if not then at least comments)
- Architectural Tour (Jon)
- AIA Golf Tournament (volunteers or players)
- Southwest Washington Fairgrounds w/ Twin Cities Rotary Club.

The last item is a new proposed project that recently came up. For those who had a chance to meet with Stan Bowman of the WA Council. He's with the Twin Cities Rotary Club and have proposed a project that the associates can help them with. Below is a partial of his email about the project. This would consider to be a design-build project that will require a quick turn around since the fair is in August. If anyone's interested, let me know. I will be taking volunteers up until the lunch on the 20th to determine if we have enough people to do this. They're asking for design help with some construction time. So if we do this, design should start and finish within 2 weeks, at the most 3 to allow sufficient time for construction.

As you know the rebuilding of Lewis County is continuing to recover from the flooding of last December. I am a member of the Twin Cities Rotary Club. The club has taken on projects at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds in Centralia. As you will recall there was upwards of 15 feet of water in the fairgrounds and some structures were destroyed. The Rotary Club has already constructed 40 heavy duty flower boxes.

The next project that my Rotary Club is working on is the construction of a small gazebo that will serve as a greeting center on the Fairgrounds. We are in the planning process for it now. I’m writing to see if the AIA SW WA, specifically the associates committee, would be interested in assisting with the project. We could use the design expertise on the project and it is small enough that it does not require a licensed architect.

When asked about design support, it seems a good hands-on project for our younger members who are so eager to be involved. I would not expect that it would take much time to complete the project. You could have a small committee work on the design and hopefully complete it without too much effort. Also, we would hope to have a few hands available when the construction takes place. Likely, we will try to do the construction in a single weekend. The Fair is supplying all of the materials. The Rotary Club is supplying the labor.

The fair is in August and we would hope to have the project completed in June or July (well before it starts).


See you at the Swiss!!

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