Promote involvement in the architecture profession and the community

A foundation for professional and educational development

Provide the resources and support for interns on the path to licensure

contact: aiasww.elg@gmail.com


Titles - "Architect" & "Intern Architect"

RCW 18.08.310: Registration or authorization to practice required

Use of the title “architect” is clarified to allow the following individuals use of the title when identifying his/her profession in circumstances which would not lead a reasonable person to believe the architect is licensed to practice or offering to practice in this state:

1. United States government employees, officers, and consultants while engaged solely in architectural activities for said government and provided they are currently licensed in any U.S. jurisdiction.

2. Instructors at professional degree programs in architecture while engaged solely in teaching activities and provided they are currently licensed in any U.S. jurisdiction.

3. Interns while enrolled in the structured intern program recognized by the Board in WAC 308-12-025(2) may use the title “intern architect” provided they are working under the direct supervision of a licensed architect.

4. Former licensees retired from the practice of architecture may use the titles “Emeritus Architect,” “Retired Architect,” “Architect” or similar derivations thereof provided they were previously licensed in any U.S. jurisdiction.

POL310, Board, 11/08.


Next AIA Associates / ELG Meeting

Next meeting
Date: Wednesday, April 20th

Time: Noon

Place: The Harmon - 1938 Pacific Avenue Tacoma, WA 98402

Discussion: What you want from your membership - casual social time with like minded folks? hands on projects? connection with local AIA leadership? developing skills? community involvement?

AIA response to Japan Earthquake & Tsunami

letter below from the manager of the AIA Disaster Assistance Program:

I just want to update you on the AIA response to the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan.

First, it's important to emphasize that, with the exception of a potential nuclear disaster, what is happening in Japan in terms of building damage and loss of life represents a best case scenario. This is a country with the best seismic codes in the world that has invested billions of dollars to prepare their infrastructure and educate their population. That said, this is a huge disaster and the response and recovery is going to be a long process.

The AIA has already reached out to JIA at the top levels of the organization. If they request assistance, we will evaluate the requests to determine what we can do at that time.

Right now, the best opportunity to respond is actually through the Department of Commerce. They are beginning a database of companies that can aid in the rebuild process and have asked organizations to collect some of this information to funnel it in.

If you, or any other AIA member is interested in getting on this database, please send the following information: Name, company, address, city, POC, and specialty description to JessicaSalmoiraghi@aia.org. She will compile this information and send it to Commerce by Friday, March 18th at 3pm.

Please feel free to distribute this information through your components and professional networks. There is certainly no guarantee that anyone will be contacted, but this is what we're going with for now as things develop.


upcoming architecture event

Friday March 18th, from 7 - 8:30
at Madera Architectural Elements showroom:
2210 Court A near El Gaucho in downtown Tacoma
These local artist/photographers will project images of the architecture of three very different places:
Mick Klass investigates Frank Lloyd Wright at Falling Water and Taliesin West.
Rick Semple will feature the architectural legacy of the Moors in Andalusia.
Jennevieve Schlemmer explores the tallest building in the world: DUBAI.
$5 donation at the door.