Promote involvement in the architecture profession and the community

A foundation for professional and educational development

Provide the resources and support for interns on the path to licensure

contact: aiasww.elg@gmail.com


Don't forget lunch at the Harmon today

If you already forgot over the three-day weekend our monthly lunch meeting will be at the Harmon Brewery today.


New changes

Hi everyone,

Don't forget the monthly lunch at the Harmon Brewery next Tues, 22nd at noon. Here's their website, http://www.harmonbrewing.com/ Hope to see you all there. Bring a friend or two.

I want to let you all know of a recent change that's going on. With that said, Dion Serra has offer to take over my responsibilities and maintain the Emerging Leaders Group. So, you'll see more emails from him now instead of me. If you have any questions or ideas for the group, email him or post it on here.

Also, don't forget the first ARE study session tomorrow night.

See you all there!


Introducing ARE session

Hi everyone!!!

As you all are aware, the AIA chapter has started the ARE study sessions. These are helpful sessions for anyone who's interested. For those who are currently taking the exams, this will be really helpful in getting you prepare for it. For those who's not ready to take the exams, there are plenty of things you could learn by attending these sessions and be able to apply it to your work.

I hope to see you all there on Thursday, January 17th from 5:30-7:30pm. Make sure you rsvp to Cheryl Zoltak at aia@aiasww.org before January 15th. We need an accurate count of people so nobody will be standing.

On another note, don't for get our monthly lunch meeting on Tues, January 22nd @ noon. We will be at the Harmon Brewery. Here's the website, http://www.harmonbrewing.com/. It's been awhile since our last meeting so there will be lots to talk about. There are a lot of upcoming events for the year 2008 so keep your calendar open